Well and Septic System?

Many home buyers have not had experience owning a home that has a well and septic system.
ALWAYS have a contingency in the offer to purchase that allows you to have the well water/system and septic system tested to buyers satisfaction. As your Buyer Agent we will protect you by including this contingency in the offer.

A water test should be done by a professional, there are private labs (and in some states there are state labs) to do the analysis for you. And a septic system test should be done by a professional with no advantage if it were to fail. They (should) open the tank and review condition as well as take samples from the leach field and are able to give opinion of condition and an estimate as to life expectancy. As your Buyer Agent we say NEVER buy a property without testing water and septic system. Your REALTOR can help you with quotes for **repair/replacement of these issues if any are found.

**You may only go through testing a well and septic system once, but your experienced REALTOR goes through this numerous times a year and can give you sage advice.

Contact our agents any time. We are never too busy for your questions and look forward to hearing from you!